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App Design Workshop

Updated: Feb 28, 2019

The slideshow starts from the top and ends on the bottom. The development and progression has been recorded below.

The first workshop already established what we needed to do, which involved using a method of putting down 9 things each of us liked on paper-




-Short Stories



-Funny Memes



The only one which seemed to stick the most with me was the drawing, or rather doodling.

I thought a simple app would be nice, one that could appeal to a range of people, from kids to adults.

I came up with the name Droodle by originally combining the past tense Drew,with the verb Doodle. It was Drewdlebut I thought Droodlelooked more ideal for varied logo designs.

On my page I was

I also discovered the style of text that would be appropriate as inspiration on that same workshop. I was trying to mimic the hand drawn elongated text of the videogame; Little Nightmares.

In the Second workshop I was already immediately working on the designs via Adobe Illustrator. Taking a snippit off of google images and image tracing to get the template of the phone screens.

The majority of assets for the screens were hand-drawn to give a friendly design accessible to many people.

There wasn’t much in terms of inspiration as I had wanted to get the project going immediately. I was recommended by Jon to try a website for consistent font writing called calligraphr, however I didn’t want to as I preferred to keep scanning and I had a strong dislike of websites I have to sign onto or join. So it was a case of stubbornness.

I already had a script written after the first workshop but some serious tweaking had to be made to simplify and add to what I officially wanted.

As for how I feel on the completed presentation, I feel relatively satisfied with what I set out to do. Things look nice for the most part. But in brutal honesty, I wasn’t that interested nor willing to do the project in the first place, it was something I simply did not enjoy at all.

I hope that is enough of an explanation.

Original Pitch Text-


A social media based phone App based around the concept of doodling, viewing, sharing and playing with friends.

DROODLE welcomes you to your hub screen.

The Hub screen is where all the buttons to features are displayed. Doodle, Share, Play and Browse are in the 4 corners.

The logo proudly displays itself in centre and has customisable option, you can draw on it, recolour it or retype it. If you wanted it to see plooby wrench, you can make it so.

Around the logo you will see most recent doodles being sent for the community to view in the browse area, each doodle is displayed for 7 seconds until the next recent one is shown.

The play link takes you to the games section.

The following links to games are:

Droodle Guess- A multiplayer Pictionary style game meant to be played by various people on their phones. Each player can choose to draw something. If one of the players can guess what it is, then they earn points. If no-one can guess then no points are earned once the time runs out.That is when the next player is selected and the same occurs. After three turns each to doodle the player with the most points at guessing wins.

Droodle Speed- A single player doodle exercise. You must race against the clock to produce quick doodles within a time limit

A single player race against the clock

The SHARE button opens up your gallery of doodles, there are links on the bottom to share on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. There also options on the top half to either share with the community or exclusively to friends.

Your Gallery can also be accessed in the Browse page, shown in the link in the upper area. The Browse page has a search bar on the top and the newest popular doodles to scroll down and look at. If you tap on a doodle you like it expands into a page size and you can give it a like.

The Doodle button just takes you to the basic doodle interface, no time limit or games. Just a simple doodling interface.

This features a pencil with adjustable size, a colour wheel and an eraser. If you like the doodle you can save it to your gallery to share or just to keep it.


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