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My name is William Hanekom. I'm a freelance artist for illustration and film-making.

I am a fan of strange and scary things alike and I also have a silly sense of humour.

I have collaborated in projects such as

Curing Perfect

 from Carousel, and made films such as

A Glimpse in the Dark


What's the Time?

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Twelve illustrations made for the Potter and Ponder map in Croome Park for the National Trust

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I have had a good deal of experience in animation and film editing. Two films have been featured in festivals the most recent being "What's the Time?" which was featured in the London Short Film Festival and an earlier film  "A Glimpse in the Dark" which was featured in Channel 4's Random Acts.

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Recent Commissions

OSKA BRIGHT- OSKA BITES IDENTS. I have been commissioned by the committee to create idents using pre-made assets by illustrator Billy Mather.

Click to download 
William Hanekom CV Image 2021.png
Judy Drawing.png
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